Hi Pirates,
This post will be a basic explanation and introduction to the "Enhance" feature.
The "Enhance" feature is represented by a hammer on a bronze anvil, and the name is abbreviated ENHC.
Over here, we can enhance our equipments to increase their stats.
How Does Enhancing Work?
Enhancing uses berry, and the chance of success is based on the percentage success rate (green bar). However, you can use gold to increase the success rate to 100%. The success rate changes once in a while.
CD means cool down, and everytime you enhance (whether successful or fail), will increase the time by 1minute.
If the CD increases to 10minutes or more, it will turn red and you cannot enhance until it goes back to zero, so be careful!
Everytime you enhance successfully, the amount of base stats added is based on the equipment's green words when you mouse over it (if it says enhance:18, it increases by 18).
Happy Pirating!
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