Sunday, 20 November 2016

Guide 2 - Introduction to Enhancing

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Hi Pirates,

This guide will be covering how to enhance more efficiently, and is for when you have basic understanding of how enhancing works.

 Each equipment has different enhance boost stats, so some equipments would increase more stats per enhance than others.
Most of the time, the higher the rarity and the level requirement, the the more it increases.

 It is a good practice to level up equipments when the success rate is higher, as if it fails, the berry is lost. This gets especially painful with orange equipments (7 stars), as millions can be lost if it fails.
If you have lots of gold and you think that you need to enhance urgently, you can increase the success rate to 100%. 1% requires 1gold, to the maximum capped at 15 gold when success rate is 85 or less.
Otherwise, since the success rate fluctuates, you could wait till the risk is much lower before enhancing.

Often we change weaker equipments to newer higher grade equipment, and we want to know when an equipment gives us a better boost than the latter. Make sure to calculate the added stats of and compare (the orange number + green number).

 The higher the grade of the equipment, the more it would cost to enhance, and the higher the enhance level the more it costs to add another level, and the maximum enhance level is capped at the protaganist's level.

Don't fear if you spent 9million on an equipment only to sacrifice it for a better equipment, because you can always give it to a weaker crew, or sell/gift it. The amount of berry spent successfully to enhance adds to the selling price, so you will get 9 million back.

Happy Pirating!

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